Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Medical Education in Creative Access Countries

Medical education in missions is becoming an increasingly important vehicle not only for improving health care (building capacity) in a given country but also for evangelizing the lost and discipling believing health care providers. This is especially true in creative access countries where traditional approaches to providing health care and Christian witness through medical missions may not be accepted or allowed. This session will look at the potential benefits of including medical education in a medical mission vision, both for short-term trips and long-term calls. Examples will be taken from creative access countries in the 10-40 window and elsewhere.

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Malaria Treatment Update

This session will focus on the treatment of malaria both outside and within the United States. Time will also be spent on symptom control and the potential for a malaria vaccine.

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Passing on of Skills

It is the general idea that the short-term missions is one sided. Often creating dependency- teams from USA go to the underdeveloped country to help and bring short term relief and address felt needs in the comminutes of the countries they visit. While that may be true, ‘passing on of skills’ showcases how the trend can be reversed and these very missions can impact providing long term and sustainable projects and help move from ‘relief’ to ‘development’ and self sustaining mode. Caleb Rayapati, will show case how the “Pass on the skills” is making an impact on the ground, a firsthand account of the partnering mission using the Dental Outreach skills in self sustaining method, involved in community development in India impacting through practice of Biblical wholisim.

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Living Among Those We Serve – Incarnational Ministry at Esperanza Health Center

Health Care ministry in inner city neighborhoods must be incarnational – embracing our communities. Living, working and serving within the context of the community we serve draws us toward God’s love for people and helps us identify with our neighbors. Should one try to move into communities of poverty in order to serve there? How can we encourage those who grew up in our communities to stay to serve God within the context of their lives? This workshop will explore Christ’s healing ministry among those he came to serve. Two of Esperanza Health Center’s leaders will share their experiences and vision for health care ministry as one who relocated into North Philadelphia and one who grew up in North Philadelphia. We need one another to be able to gain a more complete vision for effective Christ-centered health care ministry.

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Judicious Antibiotic Treatment in Developing Countries

Description: Throughout the world bacterial infections remain a leading cause of illness and death. The introduction of new antibiotics on the market has lagged behind the increasing rate of resistance to many antibiotics to treat infections. This problem becomes magnified in developing areas of the world where resources are not as readily available. Good antimicrobial stewardship involves selecting an appropriate drug and optimizing its dose and duration to cure an infection while minimizing toxicity and reducing the chance to develop antibiotic resistance. This session will look at the limited evidence that supports these ideas and put forth practical suggestions on how antibiotics should be judiciously used in developing countries.

Learning Objectives: The participants on completion of the session should be able to...
1. Identify six common clinical syndromes that may be seen in an ambulatory care environment and that may require antibiotic treatment.
2. Understand the evidence that summarizes the rate of resistance for these common infectious diseases.
3. Select an antibiotic regimen, dose and duration, that will likely be successful and uses the least amount of health resources.

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