Health networks are becoming increasingly essential in global health. By working together through intentional groupings of those with similar interests and objectives, we can have a greater impact, and work more effectively with government and donors
Most important of all we can mazimize our value to God's Kingdom by demonstrating harmony, unity and joint purpose
This session considers health networks in general with particular reference to an emerging and expanding network- Community Health Global Network
This session will look at ways in which team leaders and programme managers can help to encourage their team members to maximize their motivation and to work as effectively as possible.
It will consider spiritual, psychological and physical components.
It will look at top tips in how to encourage day-to day motivation and encouragement
Effective Ministry Partnership Development is the key to raising resources for life and ministry. We’ll address how correct thinking, biblical principles and practical principles are the key. This session will explain “why people give,” “how to effectively gain their support and involvement,” “ways to grow your list of prospects” and “what the basis is for successful long-term financial partnership.” Anyone wanting to increase the involvement of others in the ministry and increase their financial partnership should attend this session.
Without a robust biblical theology of suffering, medical missionaries will neither persevere nor bear spiritual fruit.
Utilizing examples from the Bible and church history, this session will introduce the inevitability of hardships, their divine purposes, and principles for enduring and flourishing through them.
The "missionary-call" can be a source of high anxiety and soul-searching for those who think God is leading them to the mission field. But what do we mean, and more importantly, what does the Bible really have to say about the call to missions? And what do we think of when we use the word "missionary"? Does our view match what we find in the Bible? In this session we will explore some of the misconceptions of what it means to be "called to missions," and take a look at how the Bible has more to say about God's guidance rather than the traditional idea of a "call." Hopefully we can set aside some of the anxiety and focus on how God has given us the opportunity to spread the news of his grace in Christ according to the various gifts he has given to each of us.