Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

The Physical Health Consequences of Human Trafficking

There is an increase in morbidity and mortality for trafficked victims based upon circumstances while being trafficked and preexisting conditions that led to
their vulnerability to being trafficked. It is known that most healthcare professionals do not know how to identify and help trafficked victims. This session will discuss the health problems that may present, the reasons for these conditions, and the clues
that may lead to recognizing these victims as trafficked and ultimately to help free them.

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Transforming Short Term Team Effectiveness with an Evidence Based Approach to Community Health

Community Health Screening & Education aims to assist communities, both urban and rural, in the US as well as developing countries, in their efforts to resolve their most important healthcare problems. It is based on national and international evidence-based standards and guidelines which were often developed and/or strongly influenced by our Christian missionary mentors. Although primarily focused on the 70% of the disease burden that is preventable, it enables high quality assistance in curative care areas as well. All of the materials and guidelines referenced are available free for downloading through www.hepfdc.info and related links, and most are available in multiple languages. So although the healthcare problems addressed remain the leading causes of premature death and unnecessary suffering in nearly every community in every country, it is emphasized that organizations and communities already have access to the resources to begin to resolve those problems. There is much that qualified STM doctors, pharmacists, and other providers can do to assist communities in this collaborative, Biblically-based approach which also preserves the benefits of the provider-patient healing relationship, without the harmful effects due to drugs.

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What Makes Christian Missions Trips Christian?

This session will explore the distinctive characteristics of Christian medical missions compared to humanitarian missions. It will look at biblical guidelines for ministering in Jesus’ name and examine practical applications for those engaged in Christian medical missions.

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Mental Health of Expatriates

Resilient, balanced, resourceful, and culturally sensitive expatriates galvanize cross-cultural ventures. Mental health is the bedrock; yet, a surfeit of narrative disparages global enterprise because of misfortune provoked by psychological maladies. Expectations
are realigned when the epidemiology of mental health disorders are considered
in the context of complex cross-cultural transitions. Predisposing attributes, demands and awareness of risk foster a resolve to care. Evidence-based practice aligns expertise; care combines “best practice” with sensitivity to points of access on the substrate of the recipient’s worldview.

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