About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Since 1974 CERT International has been sending short-term mission teams to remote locations around the world. Our teams work in support of missionaries and indigenous churches. Our goal is to come alongside them, adding our short-term resources to help accomplish their long-term goals. CERT International exists to serve people in dire need of health care. We GO where there is little if any help available, which often takes us into extremely remote locations.

By ministering to physical needs, doors are opened for our teams to minister to spiritual needs thus fulfilling the Great Commission, “…Go and make disciples of all nations…”– Matthew 28: 19-20

What's new with Christian Emergency Relief Teams International...


460 Old Jamestown Hwy. Crossville, TN 38555, US



  • Sabina  Anderson
  • IDnurse
  • Elizabeth Bognuda
  • Tori Walker
  • Anna Christiansen
  • Thomas Love


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