About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Colleagues in Care has been a collaboration-based network of caregivers focused on teaming with FBOs/NGOs to improve access to, and delivery of, hypertension-related services in regions challenged by poverty and systemic health issues related to high blood pressure.  We are Cardiologists and OB/GYN Doctors, Advanced Practice Nurses, supply chain and communications practitioners with deep operational mission experiences in Haiti and Africa.  We build strong networks of shared knowledge with our partners to create locally tailored "Best Possible Practice" hypertension control models that are scalable within the Faith-Based Community.  With our FBO/NGO partners, we develop capacities that proactively reduce rates of stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and maternal mortality--with fewer resources in less time via communications and networks of medical mission groups.  Since GMHC 2022, we have grown with several new partner organizations to form Hearts United for Health (www.heartsunited.info) to expand operations into Latin America.  Our ideal GMHC partners are 1) those who organize, train and equip missionaries, 2) those who finance medical missions and missionaries and 3) those who deploy and operate medical missions in low resource communities.  Our three core competencies are in, 1) public education and awareness, 2) community health training for regional and local hypertension screening programs and 3) low cost treatment algorithms--especially for women of child bearing age who suffer disproportionately from hypertension-related mortalities.   This is the value that Hearts United for Health offers your teams.  We hope to see you at our exhibition booth, #2205 and discuss the possibilities.

Hearts United in Health -- answering God’s call to serve the underserved.

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4607 Victoria Blvd Hampton, VA 23669, US


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