About the organization

Member Organization

Founded in 1981, ECHO is an agricultural support agency to the world. We exist to reduce hunger and improve the lives of small-scale farmers worldwide. A non-denominational Christian organization, we provide agricultural and appropriate technology training and resources to development workers in more than 165 countries.  Among these resources is a large knowledge base of specialized information, technical support based on years of experience and an extensive seed bank focused on highly beneficial underutilized plants.  ECHO works to identify, validate, document and disseminate best practices in sustainable agriculture and appropriate technology.  Finally, ECHO creates opportunities for community leaders to connect with ECHO and one another to share experiences, ideas and encouragement. (tweet this)

Fast Facts

  • ECHO has 400 + volunteers each year that contribute to our mission. 
  • 16% of our funding comes from our retail nursery and bookstore and other earned income. 84% of our funding comes from individuals, congregations, foundations, and corporations. 
  • 83% of all received donations go to program costs, 9% to management and administration, 8% to fundraising.

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17391 Durrance Rd North Fort Myers, FL 33917, US


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