About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

We are an indigenous, Bible-centered organization born and operating in the heart of South Asia. Millions across South Asia still need to hear the good news of Jesus and millions more need practical help like education, medical care and economic opportunity.

IGL has invested in more than 90,000 villages in the past 25 years, and from the people who have been impacted, their hope is shining out to a world darkened by desperate poverty. IGL has grown from a small organization in South Asia to an international network; sharing hope, serving with compassionate care and seeing God at work. On top of that, everything that IGL does is with the goal of helping communities become sustainable. 

What's new with India Gospel League...


PO Box 356 Hudson, OH 44236, US



  • Anna Christiansen
  • Christopher Zacharia
  • Lisa Beech


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