Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Empowering Nationals to Develop Culture-Specific Strategies for HIV Prevention & Ministry

In this interactive session we will discuss what makes HIV prevention and ministry effective, the importance of the active involvement of the church in HIV and why it is essential to tailor strategies to local culture. The session will be based on the experience of the facilitator in HIV prevention (since 1985) and in empowering nationals to develop their own unique approaches to and tools for HIV minsitry around the world.

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Q & A: Stories from the Front Lines

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Neighborhood Transformation Panel

Short term trips are no longer just handing out pills but now involve teaching of national health workers at various levels of training and in various locations. This session will deal with how we can improve our teaching of local health care professionals.

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Mission Pharmacy for Short Term Teams

This presentation will review the various suppliers available for short term mission pharmacy. Their processes, lead times, product availability and cost considerations will be presented.

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