Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Update on Malaria Treatment Guidelines

Malaria control requires an integrated approach with an emphasis on prevention and prompt treatment with effective antimalarials. This presentation will review some of the key points of the WHO Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria and the key elements of the Global Malaria Action Plan. Key interventions to control malaria include: prompt and effective treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapies; use of insecticidal nets by people at risk; and indoor residual spraying with insecticide to control the vector mosquitoes

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Cardiac Fitness of Residents: The Spiritual Benefits and Challenges of Marriages in Residency

This will be combined lecture and discussion on the spiritual, emotional, and personal challenges of physician training. Two married physicians will discuss the challenges and opportunities that face medical students, residents, and their spouses. [this will be an evolution of the presentation I gave at the 2008 Conference entitled Post-Graduate Medical Education and Faith. It is different in that my wife will present, and able to discuss women's issues. We will tinker with the material based on the questions I received during the session as well as the people I spoke with afterwards.]

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Drug Diversion: How It Hurts All of Us

Drug diversion, counterfiting and unethical drugs are not just a major problem in developing nations. This problem has now come home to the USA and affects or potentially could affect any person here as well as those abroad. This workshop will first focus on the magnitude of the problem. New regulations that will be enforced wichin the US will be briefly outlined. Finally there will be a presentation of various means to limit or eliminate this problem.

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Maternal Mortality A Key Battle

A session to familiarize the missionary physician with the Millennium Development Goals and their implications for life issues internationally.

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