Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Mass Casualty Triage in the Developing World

Triage by definition means that resources are too limited to handle the extent of the disease being presented. It is always a difficult and stressful situation for the healthcare provider who sometimes must allow some to die so that others might live. Practicing in the developing world, with its much more severe limitations, often changes the application of triage principles in a way which increases stress. Principles of triage in the developed world will be reviewed and practical examples from the developing world will be worked out in a group setting. Participants are encouraged to help mission hospitals develop appropriate plans for handling mass casualty and the numbers of other people that will flock to the hospital.

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Acute Abdomen

Abdominal pain in the tropics includes many of the same diseases as elsewhere but there are conditions that are unique. Using a case-based approach, some of the more common of the conditions that cause acute abdominal pain will be discussed. Approaches to diagnosis and treatment, especially those that are not obvious to the practitioner from N. America, will be discussed in an interactive style.

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Cancer in Africa

This session will:
- Provide an overview of the burden of cancer in Africa
- Review the availability of treatment moralities in under-served areas of Africa
- Give an overview of the oncology program that is being developed at Mbingo

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Cardiac Life Support

Teaching Life Support in resource limited ares, Why, What and How.
In this session we will discuss what is appropriate to teach in resource limmited areas, who should be taught and proven methods for teaching. Experiences will be shared from Ecuador, Cameroon, Kenya and Nepal and Madagascar

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Multi-Disciplinary Approach to TIP: Prevention to Protection

As a world-wide phenomenon, human trafficking can be combatted in many ways. Once awareness is raised about human trafficking, health care professionals can take additional steps to fight this growing phenomenon that claims the llves of men, women and children. This session will explore various approaches and innovations in prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership against human trafficking.

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