Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

International Trafficking: In the US and Abroad

This presentation will give
an introduction to trafficking in persons on the global front, that is, outside of the United States. Information will be broad, but will also highlight areas pertinent to the healthcare professional. An overview of the definition, the stages, and the forms
of trafficking will be given. Current trends and issues will be discussed. Specific health issues and ways healthcare professionals can get involved in the efforts against human trafficking will be outlined.

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Sharing Your Vision Well

Sharing your vision well
can make a big difference
in having others follow and support. It starts with a clear knowledge of where God is leading you. It follows with
an ability to clearly share that vision with others in a way that will inspire them to follow and support you as you seek to glorify God by following the vision He has cast for you.

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Making healthcare sustainable where there is no healthcare

If you’ve been on a short-term trip you’ve experienced it;
it’s the last day and the line of patients is as long as the day of arrival. Desperation is in the air. There is a nagging sense in your gut that this is not right. This session
will present techniques that empower believers to meet the healthcare needs in their own community.

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Find Your Place in the Story of God's Redemption

The “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding the call to missions. This session will explore the story of God’s plan of redemption found in the entire Bible—the story of missions. As believers we are called not simply to know the story, but to be part of it as representatives of Christ in the world.

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