Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Engaging the Muslim World

If you are ministering in a Muslim community, it is imperative to understand the cultural implications of Islam. This session will address those implications from a speaker that grew up in those communities.

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Church-based Health Screening and Education Fairs around the World

The bride of Christ, the world- wide church, is filled with health professionals and lay people who can bring wholistic health (physical, spiritual, emotional, socioeconomic) to their communities—but they often lack the vision
and leadership. The best practices of domestic and international church-based health events will be reviewed with an empasis on helping multidisciplinary groups make a measurable impact on the health of a community. We will also explore how to weave the Gospel message into health teaching.

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Mentors: How to Find One; How to Be One

This seminar will examine the biblical call to make disciples and most importantly how
to do this. You will learn the practical aspects of both having a discipler/mentor and serving as a discipler/mentor for someone else. If you ever have or have ever wanted to invest your life strategically into another person, then this seminar is for you!

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Cross Cultural Medical Education: Lessons from East Asia

This talk will discuss some
of the highlights as well as challenges to teaching clinical medicine in Asia. Specific examples of the culture, as well as general principles of teaching cross-culturally, will be explained.

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